Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Do you enjoy your corporate life?

I remember a line from the movie 'Gods must be Crazy', it goes like this, "Man has invented a system so complicated that it takes 18 years of schooling to get through it". And he hit it right on the spot.

The closer you get to the last few years of schooling the more you would have forgotten about our natural abilities to be creative and self learning. Now, I'm not against a good education, but  I'm disappointed at our system that only preaches what others have done and not how to tap into our creative potential. And living a 'corporate life' is the culmination of these efforts.

A vast majority of the people I have met in my corporate life are groomed to think like a typical cog in the organization, no matter where in the hierarchy they stand, they go by the mantra 'Put up with the idiosyncrasies of running an organization and be rewarded'. Very few people would confess that they would rather be doing something else.

I'm sure there are lot of people who say that they love the tight scheduled globetrotting and frenzied late night phone calls in the name of productivity. But Its blogs like ripples and slackermanager that put us back in reality. Its only a matter of time before the truth catches up with anybody who's enjoying the spoils of a lost creative personal life.

What I'm trying to get to is that we spend a huge amount of time at our day jobs, and we better realize what we are giving up. The usual victims are family life, hobbies and of course health. What we gain is usually money and that feeling of being part of a bigger 'succesfull' community. Trying to balance work and life in a corporation will only get you some distance.

I have myself tried doing strict 40 hour weeks, mid afternoon jogging sessions, it does'nt go far. I was never able to stick to it for more than a week. There is always a false sense of urgency in every business task and there's really no space for balance. I used the term 'false sense' because not every cog in the wheel agrees with the need for urgency. Now if you could set the pace of business according to your needs, then you could decide how much of work is good for you and what you are willing to give up for a good life.

Day jobs are a necessity for most of us, we need to earn a living. But not at the cost of an enjoyable livable life. Think of a day job that does'nt feel i like a drag and thats what you should be doing for a living. I look at 'earning a living' as the fuel, once you're full tank, use it to go somewhere, otherwise all that fuel will wasted in a few years.

Think about it for a while and if you think you value your life and passions more than your job. Then hitting it on your own is the right way to balance what and how much you want to work on. MicroISVs are something that is going on in my mind, will put up a separate post for that.

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At 6:58 AM, Blogger David St Lawrence said...

Nice, thought-provoking writing!

You might try writing more often, in shorter posts, about your own observations on life and work.

Don't be afraid to write about your own conclusions. They are as valid as anyone else's ideas.

Quoting other people's ideas is a sign that academic education has left an indelible impression on you.

You have as much authority as any "expert" on subjects you have personally researched. It may take you a while to realize this, but writing every few days will lead you to conclusions that they never taught you in school.


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